Blood and lust-partha chatterjee
partha chatterjee has written this article in Fronline Volume 29 - Issue 15 :: Jul. 28-Aug. 10, 2012 issue “Gangs of Wasseypur” typifies the commercial cinema in which paranoia passes for intensity. Director Anurag Kashyap during a road show to promote the film "Gangs of Wasseypur", in Mumbai on June 5. There is more of the withered state of contemporary India to be found in commercial films, particularly those in Hindi, produced in Mumbai, or Bollywood, than in daily newspapers, magazines or even television news channels. If news channels give you a slice of life, commercial films give you a slice of cake disguised as a slice of life! India’s chaotic economic and political condition gets best reflected in the paranoia that passes for intensity in commercial cinema. A case in point is Gangs of Wasseypur, directed by Anurag Kashyap. He is believed to be one of the leading lights of what might be called the “neo-progressives” among Hindi film